African Footprint
Accessing the
African market
AECI Plant Health accesses the African market in three different ways. In each case it is supported by strong technical and logistical services with our unique NuWay® methodology.
AECI Plant Health holds approximately a 14% market share of Africa’s estimated $1.7 billion crop protection market.

Acquiring or setting up distribution channels in Africa supports AECI Plant Health African and international growth strategy. In this case AECI Plant Health provides an important platform for multinational suppliers, other important 3rd party suppliers and also its own range of products, services and technologies. This is essential in order to offer a comprehensive solution to the grower. AECI Plant Health now owns agricultural distribution companies in Malawi, Namibia and Mozambique which service and supply the farmers directly. Further, plans are underway to expand in this regard.

Agriparks are a growing concept in Africa and AECI Plant Health is partaking in this unique and comprehensive approach to agriculture. The AECI Plant Health Precision Science technology is of critical importance to support the required feasibility studies to determine the viability of such an Agripark necessary for funding application and the establishment of crops and animal farming within the Agripark. Over and above product supply, service and support, AECI Plant Health supports small holder farmer training, development and involvement in the Agripark in order to ensure future sustainable farming communities. Agriparks also represent an opportunity for AECI Plant Health to pull its important multinational and 3rd party suppliers along.

AECI Plant Health has appointed selected in-country distributors to support its proprietary range of products, services and technologies.